We are

Brains & Design

Welcome to E-heroes, where passion meets purpose in crafting digital solutions that elevate lives – for our clients and their audiences alike. Our mantra is Clear, Simple & Effective. Your digital agency in Rotterdam & San Francisco.

In a world awash with information overload, we serve as your compass, guiding you through the noise to ensure your message resonates with clarity and impact. We firmly believe that complexity shouldn't hinder understanding.

From conceptualization to strategy, and from design to development, we're your partners in growth. Whether you're a multinational corporation or a budding startup, we cater to diverse needs and budgets across Europe and the U.S. What motivates us? The thrill of pioneering solutions that redefine the status quo.

For You:


You have an idea and a vision. A solution with the potential to be the next best. To become that game changer, you need investors, employees and support. To get the right people on board, you need a face, a platform and a way of telling your story.

We give you the chance to focus on your vision, while we build the image of the company you will become. We have a package that fits a budget.

For You:


You had an idea and a vision. You created a solution with the potential to be the next best. You obtained the resources to make a start and are ready to make the next step. The next step requires you to jump the hurdle of investors to obtain sufficient assets to go to the next level. We have the experience to provide you with a package of presentations and pitch decks to help you land that next step.

For You:


You started with a vision that became a company. You are ready to take a leading role in the industry. To make that next step, you need more volume(customers), assets and resources. We know communication, inwards as well as outwards. Long term strategies. A story that inspires employees, binds customers and convinces investors. We have a package of custom solutions that help you settle your position in a competitive market.



We live in a data-driven world: everything and everyone generates data points. A true gold mine if you know which questions to ask and which data to link in the puzzle for relevant answers. We at E-heroes are not just your creative agency but we are also your data scientists. We like to enrich data from one source with data from other sources to give you the right information for maximum results.



Nothing is so important as complete and accurate data when it comes to finance. We can proudly say that we have a big track record of connecting complex financial data sources into a single and easy to use client interface. Whether it’s realtime stock data, financial news streams or historical data, we got you covered.



Ease of use is the major determining factor in the highly competitive world of online retail; For each thinkable product, customers have a tremendous range of suppliers to pick from. So a flawless working webshop is the key to not lose customers and drive more sales. To be able to play a part in online retail at all, SEO is an important feature. Technical optimisation plays a major role in this. In addition, you want a distinctive look for the right shopping experience, so that visitors stay and return.



Food packaging specialists, food experience chefs, a specialised cookbooks webshop, a webshop for wine enthusiasts and the creators of creative taste sensations in almost every grocery store. This is just a small grab of our client activities that operate in all facets of the food industry. And for them we come up with custom solutions, from online platforms to concept and design of physical stands on the shop floor.



The artist and his fan, a dynamic duo! Artists wants more fans and fans want more of the artist. It’s not only the music that they are into, but it’s everything. Their social media, merchandise, streams, likes, events and the lifestyle. We are specialized in the online presence of national and international artists. We worked with lots of the DJ Mag Top 100 DJ’s. With our knowledge on data-mining and connecting artists with fans we can optimize the fan-artist relationship and their marketing.


Human Capital

Think of education & recruitment: specific industries which are based on their intensive use of technology and/or (awesome) people. These industries not only require knowledge as input but are also dependant on knowledge and technology to generate revenue.


Real estate

Although the real estate world is fundamentally a highly technical sector with hard measurable values ​​such as time, money and square meters, emotion plays an important role. Ambiance makes a concrete construction an inspiring workplace or turns a mere volume into a home.

We like making hard values ​​editable, having them calculated and generated, and thus creating new data for automating processes. We love to accompany this data with the story that lets people see the possibilities.



Although the medical world is one of the most important sectors for human well-being, for many it is the environment that people like to avoid. That is why it is important, if one is nevertheless assigned to the medical sector, that the contact is as simple and useful as possible. Clear navigation is important here. A personal touch, because it is often about emotionally charged issues, is desirable.


Non Profit

We all try to do our bit to create a better world. Recycling, donations, supporting charities or working with government organizations. What all these organizations and movements benefit from is “awareness”. Storytelling, infotainment and serious gaming can emphasize the necessity of participation and ensure that the message is conveyed by a large audience. With the right approach and the right tools we remove any barriers to create a better world.


Brains & Design

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