De Aandeel houder offers investors access to financial news, analyses, stock prices and advice based on actualities. De Aandeelhouder is one of the strongest growing media companies in the investment sector with a focus on transparency and quality.
In addition to the latest news in word and numbers DeAandeelHouder publishes a lot of unique content daily such as columns, videos, podcasts and chat sessions.
Through the high rankings in the search engines many (new) visitors know how to find our investment platform.

Touching an existing brand can cause harm to the familiarity of the brand. The build up recognizability with the followers has the potential of being reset.
In this case the corporate identity had somewhat arisen over the years with the previous owners. The identity lacked a clear distinguishable image and did not suit the upward potential of the brand.
The challenge was to come up with a fresh redesign that incorporates the credibility of the financial sector, the trustworthiness of a news channel and at the same time reflects the boldness and innovative thinking of the organization. This to not only keep and expand the existing demographic but also attract a new and younger audience.
The other difficulty/ opportunity was that through the phased redevelopment of the website, we could implement the new corporate identity step by step.

Through the phased redevelopment of the website, we already implemented the layout and looks. Information was more structured in main and background topics and bigger positioning of prominent news articles. We designed a scheme of different background colors to subtly divide content in distinct sectors: news, opinion articles, videos.
Also we changed the lettering to strengthen the feeling of both objectivity and newschannel.
With these changes in place, we were ready to implement the new face/ phase.
We have designed a new logo, including an iconic (A-shaped) bull. The bull stands for optimism in the financial markets, but also fits the bold approach. The lettering in the logo is clear and of course in capitals. The logo consists of one color, money green, or white when a darker background is used. No shades or shady business.
The one thing that is maintained throught the rebranding is the green gradient, which is significantly recognizable for DeAandeelhouder.