ilpra Benelux
Ilpra is a specialized manufacturer of packaging machines. The parent company is based in Italy, founded in 1955, but has offices worldwide that operate independently to serve their area. Ilpra Benelux therefore has a team of experienced account managers who solve packaging issues and have their own technical department with service technicians.
Ilpra is a global leader in packaging and packaging machinery for the food industry, non-food and pharmaceutical market.

Case description
The Ilpramonster was created as a joke when samples (in Dutch “samples” are called “monsters”) were handed out during an event. Soon the Monster became a philosophy in the mind of the director of Ilpra Benelux, Luc Timmermans. Many customers see impossibilities in their business processes, like monsters holding back progress. If you overcome these problems, you will have these monsters working on your side

A joke turned into a philosophy. A philosophy turned into branding. The challenge was to develop a monster that fits within the existing brand. A monster that looks like a monster, but at the same time has a friendly appearance. The monster should have the ability to portray abstract concepts as well as real life situations, while supporting the seriousness of the high value brand. The corporate identity of the Ilpra brand is true italian, sleek and serious, focussed on performance machinery.
Embrace your Monsters. We have created a monster that is bold, strong and adorable. The monster is part of the Ilpra-family, because Ilpra knows monsters and how to turn them into assets. The monster is a good listener and therefore has four ears; he does not just listen to what you say but also listens between the lines, looking for that solution(he has an eye for that), that can become a competitive opportunity.
He is orange, he stands out. He has long arms ready to embrace you and your monsters.
The Ilpra monster has since his birth been featured on all possible corporate identity outings.